Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Countdown is on...

Today is July 29th, only 2 more days until August, which means it's almost time for me to officially be in Norman, OK. I can't even describe how excited I am that soon I will be starting out on my own. Even though I've already completed college I was so close to home, and spent so much time there, it really feels like this is the first time I'm doing something for me, for Meredith. And it couldn't have come at a better time in my life. I love my friends, but I'm ready to make new ones. I love my home, but I'm ready to fine a new home. It's time to find out who I am and what I'm supposed to be doing.

This month has been much more exciting, and bearable, than June! 2 weeks ago I spent a weekend in Dallas with my Aunts and saw Aerosmith. Check another item off my Life's "To Do" List! It was amazing, just like I'd always imagined. Oh, and I'm seeing Taylor Swift with my little cousins in August!!

I also finally got my PLT and English content test out of the way. Only four weeks until I get my results. I sure hope I was one of the most awful days of my life. I took the test the same day as the Shrine Bowl and never thought I was going to get out of the testing center. Friday night I had driven to Wichita for the Shrine Bowl Banquet, then drove back to LaCrosse that night, Saturday morning I was in Hays from 7:30-1:30 for testing, then drove back to Wichita for the game, then Sunday morning it was back to Hays for another appointment...but enough about me...

The Shrine Bowl was awesome. As ready as I am to move on to the future, it was so comforting to have everyone gather once more to watch Marshall play high school football. I felt that wonderful sense of family and love that I felt every Friday night we gathered to support our Leopard. And the amazing part of the whole experience is, it's not just Marshall we're there to support. It's each other. Marshall, and the person he is and has become, gives our entire family a reason to join together and remember how much we love each other and how exceedingly important our family unit is to our day to day survival.

How grateful I am to be a part of such a beautiful family:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

HP6 Review

Ok, so it's been awhile since my last post, but this one will totally make up for it! This is much longer than a blog post should be...but deal with it ;)

I officially feel like I can give a good explanation of how I felt about Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince after seeing it twice. I went to the midnight premier, of course, but it was horrible. I hate when other people feel they have to ruin a film for everyone else that has paid good money to see it. The second time was much better and I was able to concentrate on the parts I knew were coming and really critique each area.

So in no order whatsoever, here are so of my likes, dislikes, and yeah-whatevers.

Beginning: I had no idea what movie I was even watching when the film started (Ok, after the Death Eater scene…which I’ll get to later.) Harry wasn’t supposed to be in a subway! Checking out a Muggle girl…I was confused…and I didn’t like it either. I also didn’t like Dumbledore’s appearance. This beginning lost so much, as opposed to the one in the book. I really wanted to see Petunia, Dudley, and Vernon. They’re so incredibly pathetic. And Dumbledore is so…Dumbledore in those scenes. This beginning, with the few lines from the book thrown in, just seemed too contrived.

Gaunt Family: (or complete lack thereof…) Where did these important characters go!?!?! I completely and utterly missed these memories from the Pensieve in this film. AND I feel that they are completely necessary to understanding Voledmort as a person, which is Dumbledore’s whole, entire point in this book. SO frustrating. Without Merope and her little love affair with Tom Riddle Sr. and all that good stuff I feel like we’re missing a big part of Voldemort the person.

Memories: Where did they go? They’re missing just like the Guant family….The memories in the Pensive were they core of this book, that and their meaning to Voldemort, Dumbledore, and Harry. One of the main scenes I think they left out was when Tom goes to see Hepizbah and she shows him her trinkets of Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Without that scene it’s hard to really understand how concentrated Voldemort is on objects of great importance.

Burning of the Burrow: Where was that in the book? And why put it into the movie if all you’re going to do is show the burning, and then completely ignore what happens to the family afterwards.

Death Scene: I had MULTIPLE problems with this. This was the scene I was so apprehensive about and it just made me mad....Ok, for one: Dumbledore making Harry promise to obey him would NOT have stopped the Harry I know from defending the man he thinks of as a father. This was ridiculous and I DO NOT buy into the theory that Harry was showing loyalty to Dumbledore. Harry would have done just stupify him and make him invisible like he was in the book and get it over with. Also, what was the point of having the Death Eaters there if we NEVER saw the Order of the Phoenix. I hated that didn't flow from the 5th movie with no OofP. I just felt like the end was anticlimactic...and I could go on for days, but I won't.

Harry, Ron, Hermione: All 3 = GREAT CHEMISTRY!!! I guess that’s what we get after having them work together for so many years. I just can’t say enough how much I loved their interactions. So natural.

Luna: What’s not to love about Luna. I wasn’t even upset that they put her in in places she wasn’t supposed to be….because she’s so darn cute and loveable. And silvery Christmas tree dress = complete WIN! So Luna. The only thing I wanted more from her was to hear to commentary during the Quidditch match…that would have been a double win.

Draco: I really loved Draco’s darkness. The movie added to Draco for me, instead of subtracting. Tom Felton did an amazing job portraying what Draco must have been feeling. The only “dislike” I have here is Draco brandishing the Dark Mark at the end. Never happened….and NO reason for it to happen. Defeats the purpose of Narcissa’s worry.

Bellatrix Lestrange: OMG SHE IS AMAZING! I don’t even care that she’s a bad witch. I want to be her. So bad. Nuff said.
But my friend, Audree, mentioned the changing of Narcissa’s hair…and I agree, bad choice. I think if they would have left it the way Rowling intended it would have emphasized more the juxtaposition between Bellatrix and Cissy…

Dumbledore: His character was so perfect in this film. It’s amazing to me how he can say everything with the same tone of voice, yet you know right away if he’s serious or light-hearted. And did anyone else get the feeling the falling-over-the-wall death scene was something akin to Gandalf on Saurmon's tower in the TT??

Harry on Felix. He should be “high” on luck more often!!!
Slughorn, “Harry!!”
Harry, “Sirr???
Bhahahah! Makes me laugh all over again.

Bill and Phlegm: This could have been great, but instead they took it out. After seeing how Fluer was presented in the 4th movie, I was really interested to see Fluer as Phelgm. Would have been hilarious. Plus, I think it would have developed Ginny more outside of her relationship with Harry.

Inferi: Looked like an army of Gollums. And Gollum gave me nightmares the first couple times I watched LotR. No lie.

Also would have liked to see more of the other classmates. What happened to Neville! Missed him and his toad…

Some people hated the ending-with just Harry, Ron, and Hermione standing around, but I really thought it was a great way to set up the 7th movies. Except I couldn't figure out why Ron was hanging back. That bugged me...he's just as much a part of Harry as Hermione. That was so...strange.

I probably left some stuff out. I’ve worked on this many times…stopping and starting depending on when I actually had time to sit down and think. Oh well…at least you’ll get an idea of what I thought!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Memorial

Michael's Memorial was today and I'm not sure I've cried that much in such a short amount of time for quite awhile. I've passed the stage of feeling strange for crying for this man whom I would consider one of my best friends, though we never met. For me, he was a part of my life that will never be replaced, so I have every right to mourn.

The Memorial was beautiful and my heart was just swollen with joy at the outpouring of love and support around the world for this man. But the thing that surprised me the most was afterwards everyone kept saying that the memorial "humanized" Michael. What do you mean "humanized?" Michael has always been human, just like you and me...obviously not in the same way that a regular blue-collar adult is human, but human just the same. He lived, breathed, created, and loved just like anyone else. His heart beat and his lips smiled just as any other "human." Maybe he was too human for everyone. He was extra-human, while everyone else is just human/superhuman.

There were many amazing moments of the Memorial, but here are a few. I will later add Jermaine's version of "Smile" and Jennifer Hudson's version of "Will You Be There."

Here is Brook Shields speaking of her dear friend, Michael. Her words are absolutely gorgeous and the quotes she chooses fit the Michael I know and love perfectly. It's long, but you won't be sorry.

And here's the tear-jerker of the day. Little Paris, whom the public knows almost nothing, was brave enough to finally speak to the world. What courage and strength shown from such a little girl.

When Michael died, my first feeling was complete and utter emptiness, but then my thoughts went to his kids. Paris and Prince are both around the same age I was when my dad passed. At first I was like, "Wow, I can so relate to Paris. Losing her Dad at such a young age..."
Then I thought about it more....actually I can't. All she had was Michael. Both Mom and Dad he was to those children. And embraced that role with his whole heart and being. So no, I can't relate to Paris. I only lost one of the pair of the unit that raised me. She lost everything. And not only was it her father, her father happened to be the most loved icon in the history of the world. She had had to share him her entire life.
Today when she gave her impromptu speech I did feel close to her....she is a child, in pain, merely loving the parent she lost. I know that pain. All too well.

As Brooke said: "Michael saw everything with his heart. Today, although our hearts are aching, we need to look up where he is undoubtedly perched in a crescent moon, and we need to smile."

Just Smile


Thursday, July 2, 2009

This Is It

A video was just released today of Michael preforming a dress rehearsal of This Is It 48 hours before his death.

And now there will be a Memorial Service for him in the exact same arena where he was preforming.

Kinda hard to wrap your mind around. It just blows me away. All reports from Michael supporters..and now from that Michael was on the verge of making the greatest comeback in HIStory. IN HISTORY!! I 100% believe it. And this video proves it.

Lou Ferrigno, Michael's trainer for the Bad Tour and now the This Is It tour, teared up talking about the death of his friend...barely saying "I'm gonna miss him..."

Jermaine Jackson, his brother, "I wish it were me..." Strong words, even for a protective older brother.

Blanket's godfather, Al Malnik, with whom Michael and his children spent extended periods of time, talked only of Michael's love for his children, humility, and deep sensitivity for every human life.

Larry King was blown away by the magic of Neverland. He was almost speechless during parts of his live show at the Ranch, which is saying a lot for Larry. Michael's magic has touched Larry too.

Watch Michael's last rehearsal. Ever. See how amazing he was, follow the flow of his movements, see the joy as he moves. He's 50 and loving being on stage. GENIUS !!!