Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bigger Than Me

So much of my time lately has been spent answering that all important question, "What am I going to do with the rest of my life?" that I've found it difficult to concentrate on actually LIVING my life in this moment. After some reflection, I've realized that this is partly my fault, partly my mom's, and partly God's. Yes, God, I am placing SOME of the blame for my current predicament on you, merely because You're the one with the plan and You're the one who hasn't clearly revealed it to me yet. My poor mother is only acting out of motherly kindness/worry, but it would be nice if she would just let me coast for awhile and figure things out for myself. But be there for advice when I need it...and help my financially, because, let's face it, VS doesn't do a whole lot for me. Not that any of that is too much to ask, right?? Hmm...

And myself. I've got so many people pulling me in other directions and making me think about the future that that's all I spend my time doing!! Researching mission trips for the summer, study abroad programs, and teaching ESL abroad...but then I do all that research and realize it takes money and I'm right back at square one. Oh, to be born with that silver spoon in my mouth (not that I would ever truly wish for that.)

See? This blog started with me complaining, and I'm right back were I started at the end. Funny how that happens. Welcome to my last 3 months.
