Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Lately my anxiety level has been so high I can hardly calm myself down enough to sleep at night. Last night, I spent over an hour just listening to my Zune, trying to keep my mind from spinning...It helped, but I wish I could just lay down and sleep. I'd almost rather be battling the Mono from earlier this fall than not sleeping. I hate this CONSTANT feeling of unease. I have this constant feeling that there's something I should be doing, decisions I should be making, action I should be taking.

I'm having so much trouble deciding what my next step, or decision, should be. I feel so "in between." I just want someone to sit down with me and show me my Road Map for Life and let me go. All I want is a plan. I thrive on plans and expectations. Without them I'm so lost. I don't want to be making these decisions all on my own. So many people expect different things from me and, at the moment, I feel like I'm having a hard time listening to what my own expectations are. And I'm really not sure I ever clearly knew what I wanted for myself. You remember those tests they make college freshmen take to see what you might be good at?? I feel like I'm back at square one. Not good when I just finished my second degree.

I hate this feeling of helplessness and being lost. I've always been so sure of myself.....

1 comment:

Julie said...

You know, sometimes I wish I could wrap my arms around you...and Michelle and tell you both that everything IS going to be OK!! The 20's...oh how the 20's are such a tumultuous time! Everyone thinks they will hit 21 and be free..really be an adult! But you know what, the 20's are some of the roughest years you will have in some ways. Why? Because you are discovering who YOU are. You will grow so much, and you will discover the things you wanted when you are 20 something...especially the early 20's are so very different than the things you want in your 30's. So try, as hard as I know it is..been there..lived them *L*...just go with the flow and know that God has a plan for you and in time everything will come together :) Love you girl! ((hug))