Saturday, July 24, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

My last year of college there were more than a few of my friends who recommended this book to me. Me being me, I always dismissed the fact that I might actually need to read it, and pushed it aside. Now that they're finally making a movie about it (which seems to happen with every best-seller these days) I have actually picked up my own copy, dusted off the cover, and begun to read. And I'm amazed. Why didn't I read this years ago??? It must be true what one unnamed friend said...that this book will really help you, even if you least expect it.

The book is the autobiography of Elizabeth (Liz) Gilbert and her travels. After a long and painful divorce she decides to take life into her own hands. She travels to Italy to eat, India to pray, and Bali to love. Perfect. I couldn't think of anything better. I thought I might get bored after she left Roma, the pasta, and the gelato. But no, Maybe India was what I really needed to read about. Liz is on her own spiritual journey. She was raised Christian, but also identifies with other religions. Much like I feel I do. I feel like after reading about her that I've finally found someone else who believes in God like I do. That just because I'm Catholic and devoted to my church, that it's not necessarily the ONLY way to God. As long as person finds a way to be close to God, why does it matter what religion they follow? Of course, she said it much better than me, but to understand you'll just have to pick it up!

I'm in love with her language. Her sense of humor. So many times I've wondered if I ever wrote a book, would anyone read it? Now I know there's hope. Not that I would dare compare myself to a professional, but I always imagined my tone being something similar to Liz's. And boy do I love reading Liz's writing! Numerous times I've caught myself laughing to my empty bedroom. One such example:

"To my taste, the men in Rome are ridiculously, hurtfully, stupidly beautiful."

Yes, Liz. That's JUST the way I'd describe Italian men. It should be a sin for men to be so handsome.

I even got my best friend to get the audiobook of "Eat,Pray,Love" and have talked to numerous other people about it. I hope some of them pick it up as well. It's liberating to know that there are other people in the world that feel like you do. That there are others who have been drowning, and yet resurfaced. That there's hope.


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