Friday, June 26, 2009

The Day the Music Died

Today has probably been one of the most surreal days of my life. I’m not even sure how to being this blog, only that I need to. I am not being cliché at all when I say that my heart literally broke today. Now I can hardly even order my thoughts enough to write.

This afternoon I was watching the kids, as usual, but we were getting ready for a long evening of ballgames and there was a storm blowing in. So between all that confusion the last tweet I saw on my twitter was Ashton Kutcher saying something about Michael being taken to the hospital...and then another that said Joe Jackson said MJ didn't look good. At this point my level of concern had risen, but the storm was in full force, electricity went out and I had no connection to the outside world (and a list of softball girls to call and tell there was no game...)

So then I start getting texts from people. No names mentioned. Texts that said things like "Well, I guess it's good you don't have to refund your concert tickets" and such. I was bewildered and beyond confused. Then I get one that says "He's dead." That's it...He's dead. Two simple words, but it's mind-blowing how they can change a person's life in mere seconds. I was in total shock, mainly because I couldn't confirm the information for myself. There was no way without electricity. So I call my mom in the field and she's heard it on the radio. At that point I was unable to speak, so instead just cried over the phone to my mother about the death of a man I have never met, probably would never meet, but felt like I had known deeply since I was 6. It's such a strange juxtaposition.

I had first met Michael when I was 6/7 in the middle of Sam's Club. Mom, Dad, Marshall, and I were on a shopping run in Salina and we walked past a display with a TV running this video of a man dancing, I mean really dancing, in a beautiful gold and white outfit. (If you know what video, you're awesome!) I was enthralled and wouldn't leave. Dad stood there with me while Mom went on and explained to me who the beautiful dancer was and what he was doing. I had never seen anything like it. The display was selling the VHS version of his HIStory videos. Which my wonderful daddy purchased for me that day and I STILL have to this day, even though it's worn out.

From that day forward I was a Michael Jackson die-hard. I don't know how many times I've told people in the past that I was born in the wrong era. I wish I could have been my age now in the 80's when everyone truly loved and adored Michael for the amazing human being he was. (past crazy...)

I can honestly say I think I was drawn to Michael because of the part of him that everyone else labeled as "weird." How does anyone else have the right to judge his choices as an adult when you have NEVER lived the life he did as a child? It's so contradictory to judge him. I love him for what he wanted to do with his life, his gift, his talents. Helping others and caring for those that loved him were his top priorities. That, and preforming. Being on stage, the only place he felt truly at home.

One of my wishes for my life had been to meet him. Who knew, Daddy? Who knew you would get that chance before me?? You introduced me to Michael in the first place and you get to be with him first. Lucky :)
Please tell him what you know is in my heart. As I have done countless times in the past, I will continue to honor Michael's deeds and his name. What a glorious man we lost this day, June 25, 2009.

May your soul finally find peace in the eternal Neverland of Heaven.

Read this article, it fully summarizes the truth of Michael. Amazing writer!

Quote Quincy Jones: "He had it all…talent, grace, professionalism and dedication. He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever. I’ve lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him.”

It's OK Quincy, a part of my soul went with him as well. The world is a shade less brighter for losing Michael Jackson.

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