Sunday, June 7, 2009

See you later...

Saying goodbye is overrated. Especially when it's associated with something sad. And while leaving Marshall in Norman yesterday WAS sad, it wasn't sad in the sense of being melancholy, depressing, was sad in that he won't be with us anymore. Which is selfish and really, it is time for him to move on and pursue the dreams he's had since he was little. Mom and I (and the rest of his loving family!) have prepared him for this day as much as we can, and now it's his turn to make his own mark on the world.

Driving away I had this overwhelming sense of pride. I'm so proud of my little brother and I can honestly say I feel sure that he is destined to succeed. Anyone that knows me knows I wouldn't have left him there, a state away, if I didn't feel completely OK with the situation (which may be a little too protective, but he's very important to me). Also, I just felt that we weren't leaving him there alone. And we weren't. He's never alone with a guardian angel like Dad, so why worry?

And really, when this is the view from your dorm room.....

What else is there to say?!


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